Our curriculum is children driven and teachers framed. We use the High Scope curriculum as it projects accurately how the children learn.

Learning Beyond
- Teachers must understand how children mentally construct the world and how these mental constructs change the course of children’s development.
- Teaching must build upon, not direct or control, the thoughts and actions of children.
- Children must have daily opportunities to decide what they want to do.
- The child’s daily plan must provide the starting point for teaching.
- Certain key experiences are essential to children’s early intellectual growth.

Our Main Goals

Support and extend preschooler’s emerging skills.

Promote Active Learning.

Plan and carry out of the activities themselves.

Provide direct experience with real objects and application of logical thinking to experiences.

Establish and maintain a consistent daily routine (advance notice to children when routine changes).

Co-explore the learning experience with the children.

Provoke ideas, problem solving and conflict.

Take ideas from the children and return them for further exploration.

Organize the classroom and materials to be aesthetically pleasing.

Organize materials to help children make thoughtful media decisions.

Document children’s progress.
Our Main Goals
The TLC program is designed around the belief that children must be active agents in the learning process. Our environment offers an abundance of “hands-on” material to stimulate exploration and discovery along with the development of Physical Health, Motor, Social/Emotional, Language/Communication, Emergent Literacy, Cognitive skills and General Knowledge. A safe and fully equipped playground offers great opportunities to develop gross motor skills and promote free and symbolic play. Additional services are offered through computer and sport programs.

We then seek the areas of knowledge that interest the children. From the various areas the children bring up, we draw a list of areas of interest that once organized become projects we work on as we go through our school year. The projects are reviewed with parents to offer an understanding of what will be accomplished, and solicit their support as well as their involvement. We continuously assess the children interests and modify accordingly the duration of the projects as well as the scheduled projects. We also build on emergent projects to promote the learning process. Each project has a project plan documented at a high level to ensure material and participation is available. The detailed research and development is done at the lesson plan level in collaboration with the children and is continuously modified as needed.